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style of conversation中文是什么意思

用"style of conversation"造句"style of conversation"怎么读"style of conversation" in a sentence


  • 谈吐


  • Papa had a wonderfully interesting style of conversation , intelligible to my childish brain , delightful to my childish heart
  • Dress is neat , decent , do not thick makeup colourful foam , the dress , shoe must clean , the hair should be combed orderly , bearing should expert naturally , amitable , show cultured style of conversation and demeanour everywhere constantly
  • The secretary should wait for contact and contact with with boss , colleague , guest , subordinate everyday , accordingly must happy ye jingqun , create good human concern with the self - restraint of elegant bearing style of conversation and high quality , promotional company unites in - housely , elevate a firm external figure
用"style of conversation"造句  
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